RHRN2 Indonesia: Create Engaging & Persuasive SRHR Content 10/22

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Welcome to the Create Engaging & Persuasive SRHR Content training!

About This Training

The digital content you create has the potential to educate and persuade users as well as empower them to make informed decisions regarding their sexual health and behaviour. However, for your content to be truly effective, it needs to be engaging, data-driven and user-led. At RNW Media, we believe that enumerating facts is often not enough to change an audience’s beliefs or behaviour. Information is quickly forgotten if it isn’t presented in a way that we can remember it. We use a persuasive storytelling & content creation methodology that involves a deep understanding of human emotions, motivations & psychology to foster long-term behaviour change.  

Our training focuses on creating digital content for an online community and guides SRHR experts through a range of communication channels and digital formats. We introduce a range of interactive and participatory digital learning formats to increase young people’s engagement with online sexuality education and improve the uptake, retention, and application of SRHR knowledge and information. We also highlight the importance of assessing SRHR topics using international guidelines, while still pushing the boundaries when deemed appropriate.  

Learning Goals

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of identifying your target audiences 
  • Map audience beliefs and emotions in order to understand their psychological drivers 
  • Create strong narratives and select the right media formats to convey them 
  • Identify relevant SRHR topics, ensuring content is evidence-based, rights-based and pleasure-positive 
  • Assess the boundaries of culturally and contextually acceptable SRHR thematic areas 
  • Structure your content for success on various popular platforms