CV Module 4: Build Your Teams and Partnerships

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Welcome to the 4th module on your journey to building digital communities for social change: build your team and partnerships.

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The purpose of this module is to help you define the right team required to accomplish your objectives.  What are the roles and responsibilities that should be covered by your team, what skills do you need, how many FTEs are required and how do you make sure your team is inclusive?

This module will cover what the minimum requirements are for a team to successfully run a digital platform for social change. In addition, you will learn about recruitment strategies that can help you identify and select the needed team members.

Besides setting up your team, you will learn how you can identify potential partners and networks, that could be beneficial to work with to achieve your goals. You will be guided through how you can assess these partners, taking into account the RNW Media standards, and how to establish sustainable successful partnerships.

Once you have concluded this module, you will have learned how to setup an inclusive, digitally skilled and diverse team and partnerships in-country. In the next step that follows in module 5, it’s time to identify and develop the platforms and channels you want to work with.

Learning Goals

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Define the team roles and responsibilities needed to run a digital platform (minimum viable team)
  • Identify the needed skills in your team
  • Examine and select among different (inclusive) recruitment strategies
  • Map and assess potential partners and networks
  • Be aware of conditions that contribute to successful partnerships.

Learning Journal Reflection

Think about past projects you have been involved in, do you have an example to share of how diversity has helped in building a stronger project? In seeking partners for your work, what is some advice you could give to another RNW Media team on good partnerships?